Date: Fri, 13 Mar 1998 10:40:19 +0100 (CET) Subject: Re: biography as social history Hi Randi, What you are doing in the history department is also often a part of the curriculum for the training of personnel officers, at least in the Netherlands. They are supposed to use that later as one of the inputs for career development programs. The literature used is usually written in Dutch, but if you call trainers in your neighbourhoud they will probably have a lot of good books there. Still I have some articles in English where you will find more references too: - Schuman and Scott, Generations and collective memories, American Sociological Review, 54, pp. 359-381; - Kohli, The world we forgot: a historical review of the life course, in: Marshall, The social psychology of aging, Sage, London, 1986; - Held, Institutionalization and deinstitutionalization of the life course, in: Human Development, 29, pp. 157-162. I hope this will help you, Henk Voets ************************************************************** Dr.Henk J.L. Voets Technical University Delft Kanaalweg 2 B 2628 EB Delft The Netherlands tel. 31.15.2786345 fax 31.15.2783956 e-mail **************************************************************
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