File spoon-archives/method-and-theory.archive/method-and-theory_1998/method-and-theory.9803, message 7

Date: 	Tue, 3 Mar 1998 05:07:17 -0500
Subject: Re: Objectivity and Ideology

On Mon, 2 Mar 1998 21:32:12 -0500  Ostrow/Kaneda wrote:
> > Ken might we not say that objectivity lies only within the
paradigmatic grounding upon which a statement is premised 
and because of this we have a system of infinite regress or 
adress as each statement makes the transition from 
objectivity to subjectivity ?

> Yes.  But I wouldn't start out by saing "might we not say"
> rather I would start out by saying "It *is* that objectivity 
> quibbles,
> ken

> If the statetment is true -- we can only say this-- if it is not 
true the same applies either way it is a formulation that itself 
is premised on the sayable rather than the unsayable

I'm not sure what you are getting at here.  Are you saying that 
both statements, regarding the infinite regress btw subject and 
object and the recognition of the regress are premised on the 
sayable (ie. what I would call the disclosure of truth)?

If so - then this needs to be placed in a wider context of 
meaning that is also entwined in a contextual web of values 
and truth claims - hence making the regress even more 



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