File spoon-archives/method-and-theory.archive/method-and-theory_1998/method-and-theory.9805, message 11

Date: 	Thu, 28 May 1998 01:33:10 -0400
From: ken <>
Subject: Re: Method and Theory

On Wed, 27 May 1998 15:13:13 -0400  McPherson S wrote:

> But seeing rock, jazz and cm as distinct is not method - it's 
the  conceptual framework you are working within.  A "thinker" 
who knows only  one method will approach the topic from this 
perspective - if its  quantitative research methods, then, yes, 
s/he would be more  likely to split them up into categories.  If 
approached using a qualitative research method there is more 
chance for not previously thought of categoies or themes to 
emerge.  The method - in QL - may be fixed to start with, but 
there is leeway in such a methodology so that changes are 
allowed in the method.

If a method is capable of being self-reflexive, in the sense that 
it is able to correct, change, or transform its assumptions, is it 
really a method?  I tend to think about method being the 
"fixed" "unquestionables" of an approach....

> The problem goes beyond the immediate method and 
theoretical perspective that a thinker uses and becomes a 
political issue, don't you think?

Absolutely!!!  This is one of the most important apsects of M&T 
today.  What are we doing and what are we doing while doing 
it.  I'm hesitant to call this meta-theory or anything like that - 
but I think that certain approaches have political implications.  
For instance - QT research about human beings (who is a fast 
worker, who is a slow worker...) plays straight into the hands 
of corporations...

> Those who use an acceptable, proven method, even though 
the boundaries  are rigid, are more likely to be accepted and 
rewarded.  So the "thinker  with the method" is influenced not 
only by the conceptual framwork but by  political and 
economic circumstances of society - at that time, and in 
that place.

Yes!  People doing "interdisciplinary" work are rewarded 
simply for using the word..  pluralism is another concepted 
handed around (however meaningless it is or has become) ... 
as is inter / post / meta / or neo ... certain discourses are 
completely privileged by very specific institutions...  I would 
think that a truly critical theory is able to clarify its own role 
within such institutional structures....



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