File spoon-archives/modernism.archive/modernism_2001/modernism.0102, message 1

Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2001 21:11:32 -0800
Subject: Re: Call for Papers


Thanks for your message.  Your paper sounds very good and will fit in with
the other two on the modernism and science panel we're planning.  Consider
yourself on the program.  John Lowney contacted me some time ago and I
directed him to some preliminary information on our web site.  There's more
stuff now, like registration and accommodation information.  We'll try to
put a program up on the site within the next month or so. I'm not sure
about the Wall centre deadlines.  But just drop MacCrimmon a line;  I'm
sure he'll do what he can to have you come out.  Anyone else from your
group who would like to come to the conference is very welcome.  The event
is shaping up to be very interesting. 

I hope this finds you well.


John Xiros Cooper
Associate Professor
English, UBC
#397 - 1873 East Mall 
Vancouver V6T 1Z1 CANADA

Material Modernisms Conference information at

Ph. 604 822 4078 (office)
Ph. 604 468 1231 (home)
Cell. 604 862 7842
Fax. 604 822 6906


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