File spoon-archives/modernism.archive/modernism_2001/modernism.0112, message 3

Subject: Re: Joyce CD-ROM
Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2001 08:25:59 +0100

Dear Modernists,
Many thanks to Wim for that info. One more question: Does anyone know of any 
books and articles on translating ULYSSES apart from Fritz Senn's work? Any 
studies in the Danish translation?

>From: Wim Van Mierlo <>
>Subject: Re: Joyce CD-ROM
>Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2001 06:25:27 -0800 (PST)
>  Dear Ida,
>A CD-Rom is not yet available as far as I know. Mike Groden is working on a 
>monster-project of Ulysses that will include annotations and several 
>versions of the text, but this project will not be ready for some time to 
>come, I hear. In the mean time, you can find e-texts of Joyce on the Web, 
>among others at
>   Ida Klitgrd <> wrote: Dear Modernists,
>Would anyone perhaps know whether there is a James Joyce CD-ROM on the
>market and what it costs?
>I'm going to search for allusions and leitmotifs, and a CD-ROM would thus 
>extremely helpful.
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>Wim Van Mierlo, PhD
>School of Advanced Study.
>University of London
>Senate House
>"History, Stephen said, is a nightmare from which I am trying to awake" 
>(James Joyce)
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