File spoon-archives/modernism.archive/modernism_2003/modernism.0303, message 8

Date: Sat, 29 Mar 2003 22:52:50 -0500
Subject: Re: fitzgerald bios

I, too, like the Bruccoli for its comprehensiveness.  (The title is
_Some Sort of Epic Grandeur_.)  For a more argument-driven biography,
one that pays attention to Fitzgerald's racial and gender politics and
their origin in his familial situation, you might look at Scott
Donaldson, _Fool for Love_.  The biography that's the greatest pleasure
to read is still in my view Arthur Mizener, _The Far Side of Paradise_
(Houghton Mifflin, 1949).

I'm currently working on a psychobiographical/psychohistorical essay on
F that I hope will find a home in the next few months.  I can let you
know when it's accepted & slated to come out if you like.  If so, please
email me offlist:

Good luck!  --Greg

>>> 03/29/03 09:48PM >>>
The Matthew Bruccoli one--it's very long, though.  The title is
like "Some Kind of Epic Grandeur."

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