File spoon-archives/modernism.archive/modernism_2003/modernism.0311, message 2

Date: Wed, 05 Nov 2003 14:10:33 -0500
Subject: Re: de Sade and de Grad-school

Eric Yost and List,

Actually, I'd be very interested to know where you're finding 
refrences to De Sade in narratology--if it's a fad, it hasn't reached 
this institution yet! 

I think one of Sade's main points is that sexual violence is at the 
heart of all class relations. If that's true, then grad students 
aren't any more invloved in an S&M experience than anyone else.

Thinking of De Sade in terms of personal agency has as much to do with 
Surrealism in France, I think (sort of like Marcuse arguing that one's 
repressed energies could be channeled to work for revolution, etc) so 
it's hardly a new idea.

-Lorraine Graham in WDC


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