File spoon-archives/modernism.archive/modernism_2003/modernism.0311, message 8

Date: Sun, 16 Nov 2003 19:51:56 -0800
Subject: Fwd: Ezra Pound and fascism

I received the following request: I'm afraid I know very little about 
Pound.  Could I ask some on this list to supply some information; please 
write directly to the correspondent.  Thank you.

Jack Kolb
Dept. of English, UCLA

>Dear Sir;
>i saw a web page with your e-mail addrress on i thought you might be 
>the person who can help me with my MA dissertation .
>my name is gholam abbass zolfaghari. i am doing a master's degree in 
>english literature at allamah univ. in tehran,iran.
>i am writing my master's dissertation on Ezra Pound and Fscism.
>in my country no credit cards are issued and it has made all the problems 
>concerning buying the books that my help me finish my dissertation. 
>libraries here had just a few books on Pound. i would be greatful if you 
>could help me concerning any material that can help me.
>yours faithfully
>gholam abbass zolfaghari

Email address:



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