File spoon-archives/modernism.archive/modernism_2004/modernism.0401, message 9

Date: Mon, 5 Jan 2004 20:28:17 -0500 (EST)
From: - <>
Subject: RE: Richard Koenigsberg speaks on the psychology of war and genocide

On Mon, 5 Jan 2004, Jay Bernstein, Ph. D. wrote:

]	An "enactment" is an unconscious form of communication, but does
]not necessarily imply intentionality. To say that someone is "trying" to
]communicate means that there is a latent or implicit message within a
]person's ideas and actions. It is our task to decipher what was being

That was my take. The confusion comes from assuming a correspondence of
consciousness and intention. There is absolutely no valorazation
implied--that really takes the misreading off the scale.

]Library of Social Science, 92-30 56th Ave. Suite 3-E, Elmhurst, NY 11373
]Fax: 413-832-8145
]Richard A. Koenigsberg, Ph. D., Director. Telephone: 718-393-1081
]Jay H. Bernstein, Ph. D., Executive Director. Telephone: 718-393-1104
]Mei Ha Chan, Associate Director. Telephone: 718-393-1075
]-----Original Message-----
]From: owner-modernism-AT-lists.village.Virginia.EDU
][mailto:owner-modernism-AT-lists.village.Virginia.EDU] On Behalf Of
]Sent: Monday, January 05, 2004 5:30 PM
]Subject: Re: Richard Koenigsberg speaks on the psychology of war and
]In a message dated 1/5/2004 5:14:56 PM Eastern Standard Time,
] writes:
]> Please. You plucked one line and ignored the context that gave it
]> That you can define each word in the line doesn't take away from your
]> ability to misread it in its entirety. Don't be a troll
]If your only response to my post is to call me a "troll," you are the
]one who
]needs a cautionary "Please." I'm not being abusive and there's no reason
]should be either.
]My concern is not to cause trouble but to elicit some regard for that
]trope. The surrounding text, contrary to your statement, does not
]clarify the
]trope, it merely submerges it in exposition.
]To say that the "acting out" of unconscious content is equivalent to an
]intentional communication is contradictory. I was hoping someone might
]that; instead, my interlocutor is all-too willing to elide the
]contradiction. So
]be it.
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