File spoon-archives/nietzsche.archive/nietzsche_1995/nietzsche_Dec1.95, message 21

Date: Tue, 12 Dec 1995 15:25:09 -0800
From: (Steven E. Callihan)
Subject: Nietzsche/Heidegger

Heidegger seemed to fall prey to a right-wing "soil-mythos" which
undergirds his attack on technology, something of which Nietzsche is
almost entirely free (see Deleuze on "nomad thought" in _The New
Nietzsche_).  Nietzsche's call for a return to the body and a
celebration of the Earth are quite different from Heidegger's
position, which I cannot help but feel intends the opposite (the re-
institution of metaphysics).  Are Heidegger's intellectual sympathies
more with the Right Hegelians?  Nietzsche seems to me to be much too
Feuerbachian for such nonsense.

            Steven E. Callihan --

            "Some lies are so well disguised to resemble truth, 
      that we should be poor judges of the truth not to believe them."

                           --La Rochefoucauld


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