File spoon-archives/nietzsche.archive/nietzsche_1998/nietzsche.9803, message 15

From: "henry sholar" <>
Date:          Tue, 17 Mar 1998 6:56:45 EST
Subject:       Re: ehh?

>Nope, haven't seen those. Are we sure he's playing, or is he just posed at
>the keyboard, with his fingers placed on the keys? I know he sat, as did his
>sister, for a portrait by Munch. I think he just sat, though.

I must have read that early on all he did was play the piano;
later hedid less and less, or as kaufmann liked to dramatize:

"the rest was silence..."

>>There also are some reports of his life after 1889,
>>up until his death in '99 or '00(?).  These have
>>him seeming very child-like, and sometimes child-ish,
>>throwing tantrums and the like.  Some acquaintances
>>"wanted to believe" it was a ruse and that a certain
>>twinkle in Fred's eye hinted to them that he was
>>"playing it safe," to worn out or broken to go on.
>And he supposedly went into completely bestial rages, upon occassion.
>>One of the things that i find most tragic was that
>>immediately after his breakdown in Milano, he was
>>evaluated at a sanitorium by a Dr. Wille.  Would such an
>>encounter not push poor Fred over the brink?  Would me...
>>with or without worms (or even Wurms) in my brains...
>What could you be getting at, Henry? N.'s wurmy will? I suspect he was
>already well over the brink. You could have taken him to a watermellon
>salesman, for all the difference it would have made.

it was either those spirally little flaggets of syphillis or martin luther's
voice in his head...

i often wonder about dr. wille, tho.  this was when he was during the same 
period he had been sending out the letters.

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