File spoon-archives/nietzsche.archive/nietzsche_1998/nietzsche.9804, message 57

From: "John Duryea" <>
Subject: Re: Steve's Castles in the Sand
Date: Sat, 18 Apr 1998 08:35:14 -0500

>Just one quick little remark here.
>Strictly speaking present evolutionary theory of the
>evolution of our species is _not_ that we evolved
>from the apes--that is just a formulation for popular
>consumption, so to speak--nor needless to say that
>apes evolved from man--but that we and apes have a
>common ancestor from which both current species
>evolved.  It is, by the way, now thought that
>chimpanzees are our closest relatives.
>Take care,
>     Kelly Timothy Lynch     ||    "Dei potentia est
>       ||  ipsa ipsius essentia."
>   Toronto, Ontario, Canada  ||         Spinoza

Not sure you got my point, Kelly. My point, just as the one Nietzsche made
in the quote provided by Steve (thanks Steve your scholarship is much
appreciated...ooops, I forgot, he's not reading this!) is that the current
theory of evolution works in both directions so to speak. It is only through
true scientific analysis that we are able to with certainty arange fossils
in a chronological order. A good example would be the crude hoax of Piltdown
man. The "science" of Darwinism for forty years held it up as proof of the
"missing link". It was only through true scientific analysis that it was
proved a hoax.

By the way, do you have any thoughts as to what Nietzsche meant by science
being theology's handmaid for too long? What did he mean by "every art and
science"? Is it possible there is more than just one "science"? Indeed, do
not all of man's creations have a history? Put some of that intuition to
work here!

John T. Duryea

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