File spoon-archives/nietzsche.archive/nietzsche_1998/nietzsche.9807, message 353

Date: Mon, 20 Jul 1998 01:12:04 -0500
Subject: Canaille - non legor, non legar!

"And from what side did all _great_ obstructions, all calamities in my
life emanate?  Always from Germans.  The damnable German anti-Semitism,
this poisonous boil of _névrose nationale_, has intruded into my
existence almost ruinously during that decisive time when not my destiny
but the destiny of humanity was at issue."

Then, fishwives, buffoons and barrel organs on this German List tell us
about cathedrals and heidi's eggs, inbetween self-serving exculpations. 


	--- from list ---


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