File spoon-archives/nietzsche.archive/nietzsche_1999/nietzsche.9905, message 20

Date: Tue, 11 May 1999 12:52:42 -0500
From: Dan Dzenkowski <>
Subject: Nietzsche's Nihilism 2

	I think an interesting point of discussion could start here about

-The missing aspects in this poem of Life and Will, which are consistent
themes in the later Nietzsche

-The preface to Ecce Homo, where Nietzsche suggests that Zarathustra is a liar

-How this poem makes every accomplishment of Zarathustra in Thus Spoke
Zarathustra worthless and self-destructive

-Does Nietzsche suggest through this poem that all of his work was for
naught and there is only a void and no superabundance of life?

Here are two variants from this passage

Variant 1 
full of deep mistrust 
overgrown with moss, 
of steadfast will, an 
enemy to all who are greedy, 
a silent one. 

Variant 2 
hollow, cavernous, full of poison and night-fowl, 
universally applauded, universally feared, 


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