File spoon-archives/nietzsche.archive/nietzsche_2000/nietzsche.0004, message 24

From: "Juan Cruz" <>
Subject: Tips on how to be a superman
Date: Sun, 23 Apr 2000 11:49:34 PDT

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<P>Hey my friend I have some great tips just for you. I've created a web site that is called: "Guidelines on how to be a Nietzsche's Superman" NOW like a Bible Preacher of the Word Of God, who by preaching his humble message to people gets bashed by Atheists. Me myself have been bashed by people, calling me NUTS and INSANE, just because I believe in the SUPERMAN, hehehe. <BR>WIth today's technology, any man can be a superman, but more than techonolgy one thing is the most necessary ingredient; WILL and ENERGY <BR><BR>Well here is the content of the page I've made: <BR><BR>The goal of this page, is to give you guidelines, on how can a person get to be a superman. Remember these are guidelines. It does not garantee you that you will be a superman. It is hard, it is the discipline of the great suffering what makes you a Superman, have fun and don't forget to eat the brown acid :-) <BR><BR><BR>Before I explain the guidelines, let me give you 2 scientific definitions of what is a superman. <BR>#1: The overman, simply put, is Nietzsche’s answer to the death of god. God is dead. All prior moralities have been killed along with god-all prior moralities have been anti-nature. The overman is the human that ‘overcomes humanity.’ Nietzsche refers to humanity as something that “must be overcome.” Nietzsche’s vision of the overman is quite evident in the final section of Zarathustra, whence Zarathustra, pondering to himself, feeling unable to ‘find the right men’, is met by ‘the sign’-a laughing lion. This can be considered to be "the overman", expecially considering the idea of a "laughing lion" coincides with the first section of the book, The Three Metamorphoses in which one must become a "camel, then a lion, then finally, a child." It is the one who is proud enough to laugh at one’s own follies. <BR><BR>“But as he reached out with his hands around and over and under himself, warding off the affectionate birds, behold, something stranger yet happened to him: for unwittingly he reached into a thick warm mane; and at the same time he heard a roar in from of his-a soft, long lion roar. <BR>“The sign is at hand, “said Zarathustra, and a change came over his heart. And indeed, as it became light before him, a mighty yellow animal lay at his feet and pressed it’s head against his knees and out of love did not want to let go of him, and acted like a dog that finds it’s master again. But the doves were no less eager in their love than the lion; and whenever a dove slipped over the lion’s nose, the lion shook it’s head and was amazed and laughed. <BR><BR>This is the overman. Zarathustra has a change of heart for even the lion doesn’t ward off the birds-Zarathustra has come to terms that his overman is not for all; and more importantly, it is now that he has overcome his pity for the overman. This was his final task. Zarathustra cries following this incident, the lion licks up his tears. Zarathustra has become the laughing lion. Nietzsche 's Overman Superman <BR><BR>The term superman or overman is a Nietzschien concept that embodies certain beliefs and that is at the same time sets guidelines for how man can transcend himself. Nietzsche's most famous character, Zarathustra, is the prime example of a superman. This superman seeks to overcome rationality and idealism in favor of life itself. By overcoming idealism, he is overcoming man, because the concept of man is an ideal that does not correspond to anything in reality. The overman is a man who is reactive and determined. He bypasses decaying beliefs, such as egalitarian ethics, that bog him down and achieves creativity the way he wants it. The superman achieves greatness in his will to power. This will to power is in short an anti-idealist stance and one that favors a real world without absolute truths: 'This world is the will to power - and nothing besides! And you yourselves are also this will to power - and nothing besides!'2 <BR><BR>In Nietzsche's time, the superman stood against most of the moors and beliefs of society. It was widely accepted that culture was at the service of rationality and that rationality was the most important quality of humanity. The extreme poetic nature of the superman that seeks to overcome rationality is only one example of how Nietzsche and his superman opposed the culture of the time. <BR><BR>From popular culture to the intellectual elite of the 20th century, the concept of the Superman has escaped no one. When Lois Lane first sees "Superman" the comic book hero, she says, "That must be a Nietzschien Superman," and hence the name is ingrained in American popular culture. To People like Bernard Shaw though, the superman was a topic for serious thought and this is shown by the title of one of his plays, Man and Superman. For Herman Hesse, the superman is a template for characters in many of his books like The Glass Bead Game and Steppenwolf of how individuals must overcome society's norms to become who they are. <BR>#2:The term superman or overman is a Nietzschien concept that embodies certain beliefs and that is at the same time sets guidelines for how man can transcend himself. Nietzsche's most famous character, Zarathustra, is the prime example of a superman. This superman seeks to overcome rationality and idealism in favor of life itself. By overcoming idealism, he is overcoming man, because the concept of man is an ideal that does not correspond to anything in reality. The overman is a man who is reactive and determined. He bypasses decaying beliefs, such as egalitarian ethics, that bog him down and achieves creativity the way he wants it. The superman achieves greatness in his will to power. This will to power is in short an anti-idealist stance and one that favors a real world without absolute truths: 'This world is the will to power - and nothing besides! And you yourselves are also this will to power - and nothing besides!'2 <BR><BR>In Nietzsche's time, the superman stood against most of the moors and beliefs of society. It was widely accepted that culture was at the service of rationality and that rationality was the most important quality of humanity. The extreme poetic nature of the superman that seeks to overcome rationality is only one example of how Nietzsche and his superman opposed the culture of the time. <BR><BR>From popular culture to the intellectual elite of the 20th century, the concept of the Superman has escaped no one. When Lois Lane first sees "Superman" the comic book hero, she says, "That must be a Nietzschien Superman," and hence the name is ingrained in American popular culture. To People like Bernard Shaw though, the superman was a topic for serious thought and this is shown by the title of one of his plays, Man and Superman. For Herman Hesse, the superman is a template for characters in many of his books like The Glass Bead Game and Steppenwolf of how individuals must overcome society's norms to become who they are. <BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>Keep reading <BR><BR>Guidelines on how to be a Nietzsche's Superman <BR>The conditions under which any one understands me, and necessarily understands me--I know them only too well. Even to endure my seriousness, my passion, he must carry intellectual integrity to the verge of hardness. He must be accustomed to living on mountain tops--and to looking upon the wretched gabble of politics and nationalism as beneath him. He must have become indifferent; he must never ask of the truth whether it brings profit to him or a fatality to him... He must have an inclination, born of strength, for questions that no one has the courage for; the courage for the forbidden; predestination for the labyrinth. The experience of seven solitudes. New ears for new music. New eyes for what is most distant. A new conscience for truths that have hitherto remained unheard. And the will to economize in the grand manner--to hold together his strength, his enthusiasm...Reverence for self; love of self; absolute freedom of self. We have to understand very well why the great men are necessary and why the great men are often missunderstood as if they are evil, criminals, immorals that must be punished and put away from the good society. NOW HERE ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT THINGS THAT MOVE THE WORLD TOWARD PROGRESS OR DECAY: WEAKNESS AND POWER. What is good?--Whatever augments the feeling of power, the will to power, power itself, in man. What is evil?--Whatever springs from weakness. What is happiness?--The feeling that power increases--that resistance is overcome. Not contentment, but more power; not peace at any price, but war; not virtue, but efficiency. The problem that I set here is not what shall replace mankind in the order of living creatures (--man is an end--): but what type of man must be bred, must be willed, as being the most valuable, the most worthy of life, the most secure guarantee of the future. This more valuable type has appeared often enough in the past: but always as a happy accident, as an exception, never as deliberately willed. Very often it has been precisely the most feared; hitherto it has been almost the terror of terrors ;--and out of that terror the contrary type has been willed, cultivated and attained: the domestic animal, the herd animal, the sick brute-man--the Christian. And this is true, I have noticed very, very well that everywhere I go people copy from each other and beware if you are different, that even the so called psychiatrist, psychologist of "society" might call you crazy, weird, strange. That's why everybody does the same thing, wears the same clothes even the gestures are the same so my conviction is that is a question of weakness or strength. That is: if you are weak you'll be forced to be the same as others and if you are strong you won't give a fuck for what they say. True enough, it succeeds in isolated and individual cases in various parts of the earth and under the most widely different cultures, and in these cases a higher type certainly manifests itself; something which, compared to mankind in the mass, appears as a sort of superman. Such happy strokes of high success have always been possible, and will remain possible, perhaps, for all time to come. Even whole races, tribes and nations may occasionally represent such lucky accidents. We have to think very subjectively before we can come to any conclusion, but just look at the corruption of Pascal who believed that original sin harmed him when in truth it was Christianity that turned him into a sinner against beauty and harmony. Christianity has does very, very harm for the body, the body yes I say onto you the body is the most precious thing. Behind thy thoughts and feelings, my brother, there is a mighty lord, an unknown sage- it is called Self; it dwelleth in thy body, it is thy body. There is more sagacity in thy body than in thy best wisdom. And who then knoweth why thy body requireth just thy best wisdom? <BR>I am looking for a few good men, a few philosophers who will overcome fears, who wanna be stronger, who have the great need to be stronger, now I am not here to look merciful nor good, but looking for men, who just somehow are willing to be standing above the crowd, who are eager to identify with someone above the crowd, someone prepared to lead the way, who seems to feel the same, someone who is willing to die to ascend, because to ascend you must die, you must be crucified for your sins and your lies! Oh! someone who might be willing to stand high, with light feet, like Zarathustra, so if you are willing to overcome stronger, are a warrior, a noble, a true warrior like Damocles write me an email. Next section we will give you some imporant tips, diet tips, excersise routines and books you might want to read that will trigger that treasure locked inside you like the calm beneath the castles. <BR>Now, here are some important things you must do in order to get there, to become a superman: <BR><BR>The body: First tool you'll need for the will to power. <BR>The diet: The diet should consist of 60% Carbohydrates, 30% of protein and 10% of fats. Weight yourself everyday and try to stay in the same weight. If you gain a pound of two adjust your calorie intake to come back to your ideal weight. BUT DO NOT DO EXCESS OF EXERCISES, since that will make you weak. What you should do is cut calories in order to lose weight, if you need to gain weight, increase calorie intake. <BR>Weight training: <BR>Mondays and Fridays: <BR>Bench Press...................15-15-15 <BR>Back pulldowns machine........15-15-15 <BR>Shoulder press with barbell...15-15-15 <BR>25 minutes of walking at a moderate pace <BR>Now! You are probably wondering. Why if I am making a web-page about Nietzsche's Overman, why do I include weight-training exercises, and why if I am introducing those weight-training exercises, why are those exercises so light? Why is that routine so easy and short? How come that weight-training is so small? Well, the answer is simple. This page is to help you make you strong and not weak, and it is rest that makes you strong not exercise. So even though I included those exercises, THEY HAVE TO BE LIGHT, in order to energize you and NOT over-train you. Another thing is that strenous exercises exhausts your constitutions which is the # one enemy of power and knowledge. It is an admitted principle, that gymnastic exercises should be employed in education, and that for children they should be of a lighter kind, avoiding severe diet or painful toil, lest the growth of the body be impaired. The evil of excessive training in early years is strikingly proved by the example of the Olympic victors; for not more than two or three of them have gained a prize both as boys and as men; their early training and severe gymnastic exercises exhausted their constitutions. When boyhood is over, three years should be spent in other studies; the period of life which follows may then be devoted to hard exercise and strict diet. Men ought not to labor at the same time with their minds and with their bodies; for the two kinds of labor are opposed to one another; the labor of the body impedes the mind, and the labor of the mind the body. <BR><BR>THE MIND: Second Tool to be an overman.Now we are in one of the most important tools you'll need for the will to power, if not I'd say the most important tool. If you probably have noticed, all of the great men, not only were strong of will and muscles, aggressivenes and attitudes but most of them were readers and/or writers of great writers and authors. I know it is a lot better on our afternoons right after a hard day at work, laboratory of office, to grab a girl and go to the shopping mall, movies or to just play some F22 Air Combat simulator games that will take you high to the sky out of this world. <BR>But my friends being weak, herd, small, poor, happy are things that are acquired easily without any hesitation and easily acquired. But my friends genious, beauty, intelligence are things that are acquired with a lot of effort. <BR>First of all to acquired knowledge there is one thing you have to avoid at all costs, tiredness and fatigue. Tiredness and fatigue it is the number one enemy of knowledge and studying. Knowledge is different than exercise, cause exercise can be done if you are tired and it helps, but studying has to be done well rested that is why exercise and work should be keept to a minimum. Here is this phrase that you should learn: <BR>"The Minimum of work and activities, the Maximum <BR>of intelligence" <BR>Program 1 (For high school students) <BR><BR>After school, and after being well rested you should do this routine on a regular basis: <BR>Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays: <BR>Remember do not read anything else other than your school text books, since reading only what you need to will give you more energies for your homeworks. <BR>Reading and homeworks <BR>5PM-7PM <BR>9PM-10PM <BR><BR>Program 2 (for college students only) <BR>If you want to become great one of the best ways to become great and an overman is by studying independently and one of the best ways that you can do this is by joining an on-line college, you'd be spending less energies, so you'd be more concentrated in your classes, since most of the Great Men have studied independently we think that you should do it too. <BR>Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. <BR>Read and do your homeworks at the best energy efficiency times: <BR>9AM-11PM <BR>4PM-6PM <BR>9PM-10PM <BR><BR>Program 3 (for business people, politicians, leaders, philosophers, scientists) <BR>After work don't do anything else, just rest well and after being well rested. Since you'd won't have any homeworks, like college students or high school students I will present you with a list of authors that you'll need to beging reading that will take you high, above the crowds. <BR><BR>Mondays, Tuesdays, Fridays <BR>6:00-7:30PM <BR>Saturdays and Sundays <BR>9:AM-11:AM <BR>4:PM-6:PM <BR>I will give you names of authors and try to buy all of their works from each authors. <BR>Recomended authors for the will to power: <BR>TIP: Try to go to the Barnles and Nobles search engines and put the author's name to get their works: <BR>The most important one is: Nietzsche (you must put more atenttion to Nietzsche than all the others together) <BR>Voltaire <BR>Spinoza <BR>Aristotle <BR>Machiavelli <BR>Goethe <BR>Comte <BR>Dancourt <BR>Lessage <BR>Bacon <BR>Rubens <BR>Hafis <BR>Victor Hugo <BR>Kafka <BR>Helvetius <BR>Alexander The Great <BR>Kafka <BR>Poe <BR>Aldous Huxley <BR>Galiani <BR>Boudeliere <BR>Rimbaud <BR>Swift <BR>Stendhal <BR>Dostoyevsky <BR>Thucydides <BR>Plutarch <BR>Artaud <BR>Kerouak <BR>Balaguer <BR>William Blake <BR>Haendel <BR>Caesar (Julius Caesar) <BR>Freud <BR>Fredrich the Great <BR>William James <BR>Maslow <BR>Leibniz <BR>Hume <BR>Husserl <BR>Descartes <BR>Locke <BR>Homero <BR>Davinci <BR>Lessing <BR>Tolsoi <BR>Balzac <BR><BR><BR><BR><BR></P></DIV><p><hr>Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at <a href=""></a><br></html>

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