File spoon-archives/nietzsche.archive/nietzsche_2000/nietzsche.0004, message 82

From: "Juan Cruz" <>
Subject: The problem with discussion lists
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2000 21:38:52 PDT

I know why Hitler was like that. It's people that were around him that made 
him be evil, the same happens with disccussion lists, chats and forums. You 
start with a friendly attitude and then these FUCKING ASSHOLES mess up the 
whole thing, and then it leads to nothing but just pure hate.
  You see I came here to discuss about Nietzsche, but you see, there are 
these decadents and shitty un-employed hackers that mess this up.

   The internet is not bad, but it's full of decadent and shitty people that 
should be six feet under. That's the problem with the world and there is not 
way out of this mess. The only way is to flush it all away and start a new 
world, just like Revelations says. Yeah that's right God should flush it all 
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