File spoon-archives/phillitcrit.archive/phillitcrit_1997/phillitcrit.9711, message 472

Date: Sun, 9 Nov 1997 21:29:15 -0500
From: Gregory {Greg} Downing <>
Subject: Re: PLC: Romanticism & higher pantheism

At 09:20 PM 11/9/97 -0400, you wrote:
>>Well, why am I not shocked that if anyone would it would eventually be
>>George and Stirling who'd end up strolling once again down the eristic
>>side-trail together, promenading on down to the bottom of the Garden of
>>Eden, in the cool of the evening?
>Because more fun than dancing badly is being able to complain about the
>other person's big feet.

Sorry to have stepped on your toes -- they must be tender! What happened to
the eros-more-than-eris comment?

Greg Downing/NYU, at or

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