File spoon-archives/phillitcrit.archive/phillitcrit_1997/phillitcrit.9711, message 743

Date: Fri, 14 Nov 1997 19:38:40 -0500
From: John Young <>
Subject: Re: PLC: LA Defining Philosophy: First "thank you"] (fwd)

Thad aka Rattler wrote:

>Actually, it is all rather irritating to read and I don't think I prefer to
>you explain any of it, for what I'm reading here I can only decipher insults
>from, which seems prevalent throughout your posts. [Snip] For
>you, I then suggest prunes.

Now, you've decoded it, Rattler, boffing grog and insulting insulters, the
gods in heaven's hell, the lot and oneself foremostly, that's the lowway
goes, what gt teaches excellently. Breaking vows, rules, bones, tender
passing gas, lying it's art, doing damnest to get free of inhibitions buried
deep by breast, home, hearth, temple, progenitors of vain ambition to gain
heaven's vault by private sesame, golden lingo, award-winners.

You're right, it's all prunes and raspberries, rotted for cider, nectar for
over the edge.

Work on those insults, you'll puss lance the worst words, the nicecream 
words of unctous fellowship, and a lift of the wallet. Watch that on this list, 
watch gt and the profs lending a hand, safing you home aft' grog.

Laugh it off in the morn, mon.

Oh Danny Boy

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