File spoon-archives/phillitcrit.archive/phillitcrit_2000/phillitcrit.0007, message 42

From: "bob scheetz" <>
Subject: Re: PLC: Marxist Propaganda
Date: Sun, 9 Jul 2000 21:24:07 -0400

samizdat friends,

this current thread's large liberality,
with a number of old-line listers, g, hh, ben,...
allows scope for sopposing that a list tribute to memorialize
the occasion of juan miguel gonzalez's repatriation,
the prole heroism signified therein,
might not be ill-received.

what he was offered to defect,
...every yuppie toy known to man?
...endless bimboes?
...actually living in a beer commercial,
by one of clinton's foremost cocksuckers, greg craig,
doubtless beggars imagination.
surely,  not since the temple mount
was a son of man so proof against the gaudy blandishments of nihilism?
juan miguel's unequivocal,  get-thou-behind-me,
was like the moral equivalent of winning the mother of all power-balls and
tell'n the guv to shuv it
...a thing inconceivable to bourgeois comprehension.
...and thence the deafening editorial silence from our freepress.

anyway, behooves us to supply the deficit
and, record & acknowledge the moral magnitude of this happening.

is this the  long-looked-for socialist-man?
...finally struck root in cuba?

let us hope,
and all join in a virtual "viva, juan miguel!"

muchas gruchas,

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