File spoon-archives/phillitcrit.archive/phillitcrit_2001/phillitcrit.0111, message 3

From: "bob scheetz" <>
Subject: PLC: samizdat
Date: Sat, 10 Nov 2001 23:29:35 -0500

The euphemizing conventions of the propaganda function of Power are nothing
new. Nor do I think one need be no Salem hysteric neither; but who can't
sense behind the Bush war idiom,...from "infinite justice" on (... for the
unleashing with perfect impunity of apocalyptic violence against yesterday's
darling and amidst one of the world's most vulnerable people)  an especial
will to outrage (...a sorta black mass of the word) those of us for whom
those usages are meaningful.

So noticable this past week was the sadistic relish in the potus-peoples'
use of the "daisy-cutter" metafor for so spectacularly hellish a device, as
to  shock even the most experienced;  and, suggest to even the simplest, as
myself, the existence of a
mephisto circle round our dickless emperor.  Fer sure there's no mistaking
those old devils, Eliot Abrams and John Negroponte, of the "Contra" days,
the 80's Central American War against another excruciatingly pitiful
opponent,...with their CIA terror manual and their placidly contemptuous
extenuations ("they ran a road-block" if memory serves) of the rape and
murder of american nuns by "freedom fighters".  And there's the cherubic
voodoo general of the gulf war turkey-shoot massacre, the fathomlessly glib
veep with oil in his veins and prosthetic heart, the rumsfeld with the
ferocious wolfowitz doppleganger, ...clear miscreants all. But it appears
chief amongem,  bloodiest master of mayhem, is our latest masterpiece of
feminism, Condee Rice.

How grotesque an epiphany of bourgeois liberal Power is being precipitated
out of the sept 11 event.  It certainly does refresh one's sense of the
Puritans' heroic sensibility,  supra-rational content of the Word, no?

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