File spoon-archives/postcolonial.archive/postco_1995/postco_Jul.95, message 11

Date: Thu, 6 Jul 95 15:23 EST
Subject: you might well ask

Zia Isola,

	you might well ask the questions you ask if you did not realize that
David who wishes to be anonymous sent his/her/its message to at least 25 and
maybe hundreds of lists for all we know.   when we read the message on the
postcolonial list, we think of penetrating colonies, when we read the message
on the marxism list we think of the $15 surplus "for her efforts" as David so
delicately puts it.  

	as far as your "for the sake of conversation" question, this reminds me
of a topic I wanted to discuss on this list, if there were any others who had
read/ would want to read the pair of books recently published:

	Mircea Eliade.  _Bengal nights_
	Maitreyi Devi.  _It does not die_

shall we start a reading group?  or just start discussing on the main list?

				-- Aravinda

     --- from list ---



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