File spoon-archives/postcolonial.archive/postco_1995/postco_Jul.95, message 23

Date: Sun, 9 Jul 1995 15:48:35 -0400
Subject: Re: Like water for Chocolate ...

Although I have not seen the movie, I recently read the novel for a book club
and those in the club who had seen the film said it was almost exactly like
the novel.  My response to the novel was ambivalence.  I was hoping someone
at the bookclub would bring up this issue of women characters who on the one
hand seem powerful and vibrant, but on the other hand come uncomfortably
close (for me) to stereotypes presented in a very unironic, straightforward
manner.  The all-powerful mother figure who hypocritically denies sexuality
can only be escaped through sex with a man.  Yet on the other hand there are
those positive "mother figures" such as John's grandmother, the woman who
grew herbs.  It seemed as though Tita was acted upon a lot, instead of
acting.  It also seemed as though a community of women was often problematic,
to say the least.  But I am, as I said, ambivalent, having liked other parts
of the book.  Thanks for bringing it up.  Hope others are interested.

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