File spoon-archives/postcolonial.archive/postco_1995/postco_Jul.95, message 34

Date: Tue, 11 Jul 95 11:18:55 est
Subject: Re[6]: Like water for Chocolate ...

     I would not rule out that the red-haired sister represents a 
     rethinking and reaffirming of the feminine within sexual difference. 
     My only gripe is that the author/director *chose* to make that 
     character's sexual difference legible via a racist stereotype. It is 
     an unnecessary detail that does not further the plot, but only 
     situates her in a familiar discourse. I did not suggest that she had 
     no positive qualities or that she was not an interesting character. 
     She did, after all, become a general and lead a rebellion. My point is 
     that if we are to imagine new characters, identities, worlds etc we 
     must not rely on old oppressive ideas.

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Subject: Re: Re[4]: Like water for Chocolate ...
Author: at INTERNET
Date:    7/11/95 3:16 AM

As perhaps Drucilla Cornell would pose the question: An imposing of 
structures of the femininity associated with patriarchal stereotypes, or a 
reinterpretation of gender identity and an ability to reaffirm the 
feminine within sexual difference?  
Would you completely rule out the latter in this movie?
On Mon, 10 Jul 1995 wrote:
>      I wasn't suggesting that the red-haired sister was oppressed, but 
>      rather that her characterization is thoughtlessly essentialist and 
>      borderline racist. People of African descent are presumed to be ruled 
>      by their sexual appetites and naturally good dancers, among other 
>      things. These attributes link them to a lower, more primitive, level 
>      of the great chain of being than their more cerebral, temperate, and 
>      civilized European counterparts. Within the narrative the only 
>      evidence the viewer has as to why the red-haired sister has these 
>      qualities more so than her sisters is that she is born of a mulatto 
>      father: Implicitly, "It's in her blood." These sorts of racist 
>      narratives do contribute to oppression beyond the text, however, since 
>      people of African descent self-evidently need the tight rule of 
>      so-called superior Westeners. 
>      jc
>         I took the daughters to be confined by type, but in another way--a
> la Dostoyevsky's _Bros K_.  One was physical (the red-haired sister), mental 
> (the oldest, mental manipulator), and the spiritual (the cook).  If I were 
> to be critical (I enjoyed the movie), I'd have to say they were oppressed by 
> these categories rather than political oppression.
>                                             * 
> Mark Heydon is not "in."                    *     "Mei You!"  
> Try:                      *        -Old, obnoxious Chinese 
> saying.
> or:            * 
>                                             * 
>      --- from list --- 
>      --- from list --- 
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