Date: Wed, 12 Jul 1995 07:37:37 -0400 Subject: Re: Like water for Chocolate ... Thank you for the reference to Coetzee's book. I have not read it yet but will. I am really fascinated by this idea of survival in the postcolonial world. I am not convinced that postcolonial only refers to those communities that have most recently been released from colonial domination. I believe we all are part of a postcolonial world and are just beginning to find our "own" voices. There is much talk of a missing "center" which told "others' what to do and think. I believe the center exists in each person and it is spiritual and is a common link that is everlasting. I am not a traditional anything as far as religion but do believe in a divine link that sustains and joins humanity. This spiritual link helps us survive in prisoner of war camps, in the mountains of Sarajevo, in the Southern planations of America, and the cotton mills of the New England . Linda E. Neville --- from list --- ------------------
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