File spoon-archives/postcolonial.archive/postco_1995/postco_Jul.95, message 44

Date: Wed, 12 Jul 1995 14:03:16 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: black theory and psychoanalysis


Let me clarify.  When I asked for information about psychical development
from an African-American perspective and referred to the oedipalization,
it was not my intention to see Freud's contentions in the rather reductive
frame of "wanting to sleep with Mommy or Daddy."  That preoccupation
speaks to Freud's preoccupations.  I am looking for African American
perspectives that address issues of individuation, gendering, conceptions
of omnipotence, mirroring, psychical fragmentation, compulsive behavior,
objects of desire, fetishes, etc. 
I hope this is clearer.  For surely black Americans participate in these
developmental stages somewhat like white Westerners.  Just because white
hegemony has labeled these processes with names or conceptions that may
alienate other cultures, does not mean that other cultures do not have
their rituals of psychical development. 

Thanks again in advance, for all assistance.

Claudia Tate       Department of English, George Washington University 
                   Washington, DC  20052  (202)994-6180 or 6637

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