Date: Thu, 13 Jul 1995 01:22:38 EST Subject: Dickens & Empire I'm exploring the possibility of doing some work on Dickens and Empire. I'd like: (1) to trace Dickens's own attitudes toward the empire (looking not only at his fiction but at his views, for instance on the Niger project, the Indian Mutiny, and the Governor Eyre case); (2) to seek evidence of the empire's reception of Dickens--that is, whatever can be found about the circulation of Dickens's works and critical responses to them in the (post)colonies; I'd be particularly interested in any influence he may have had on colonial writers. For this second part I'm not period-bound, i.e. would welcome material from any period. I'm not too concerned about finding material on (1), though I'd welcome suggestions (I know Said's and Brantlinger's work, and have references to a couple of books on the Eyre case). What I'd really appreciate, however, is help with (2). Gill Gane UMass-Boston --- from list --- ------------------
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