Date: Sun, 16 Jul 1995 13:04:39 -1000 Subject: Said's Culture and Imperialism I found Said's Culture and Imperialism very exciting but as the months pass and I think about its effect it seems to me more and more to be a very anti-progressive work. It has the consequence of showing one more time just how "important" those same old familiar texts really are. I wonder if our work is not to ignore Dickins, Conrad, Austin and those other monuments to demonstrate to each other that who we are is not dependent upon our understanding of them. As long as we keep them so central to our stories about ourselves, I suspect we keep the same social formations that produced them and our desire to interpret them firmly in place. Houston Wood Dept. of English UH Manoa, Hawai`i Honolulu, HI 96822 (808) 956-3059 --- from list --- ------------------
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