Subject: Re: Dickens & Empire Date: Mon, 17 Jul 1995 08:55:57 +1000 (EST) Gill, White's novel Voss was based upon the missing german explorer Ludwig Leichardt (not Eyre) with a dash of Hitler (seriously) mixed in. There is quite a bit of material which deals with the influence of Dickens in colonial Australia. Martin Lyons and Lucy Taska's 'Australian Readers Remember' is a discussion of Australian reading practices and has some useful information. There were numerous Dickens reading societies and the colonial papers are full of reviews of his latest novels. My grandfather-in-law was a rural doctor in the 1920s-50s and he had a complete and well thumbed Dickens collection. Perhaps the most famous colonial/nationalist Australian writer was heavily influenced by Dickens: Henry Lawson. There is a truck load of work on Lawson. A rather old fashioned piece that u could readily acquire is Stanley Gerson's 'A Great Australian Dickensian' Dickensian 68 (1972): 75-89. Lynn Sunderland's 'The Fantastic Invasion' Melbourne UP 1989 examines Lawson (along with Kipling and Conrad) in the context of Empire. A good bibliography of Lawson criticism from 1963-1990 can be found in Martin Duwell and Laurie Hergenhan's 'The ALS Guide to Australian Writers' U of Queensland P, 1992. Good luck with your project, Chris Lee USQ Australia PS Lawson's other great influence was Bret Harte --- from list --- ------------------
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