Date: Sun, 16 Jul 1995 18:24:43 -0600 (MDT) Subject: Russian anthropologists condemn racism (fwd) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Sun, 16 Jul 1995 19:32:27 -0400 (EDT) From: Steve Rosenthal <> To: Racial-Religious-EthnoNationalist Violence Studies <> Subject: Russian anthropologists condemn racism The current (7/7/95) issue of Science reports that at the first national congress of the Association of Russian Ethnologists and Anthropologists in Ryazan last month, delegates unanimously adopted a resolution condemning the growth of racial intolerance and xenophobia. The resolution called on their colleagues "resolutely to oppose in their daily academic, practical, and teaching work any attempt to sow ethnic and racial hatred. (p. 27) The article goes on to explain that the resolution was in part a response to the neo-Nazi views and apologetics of Viktor Kozlov and Viktor Bezverkhy. The former has been defending the latter, who has argued that Jews, gypsies, and people of mixed race are inferior and have no place in a socially organized society. The struggle has been carried into the pages of Izvestiya and Moscow News, and Russian anthropologists have urged their colleagues in the West to join in condemning racist and fascist Russian anthropologists and their supporters. If there are any Russian social scientists or friends of Russian anthropologists on this network, perhaps they can further investigate this struggle and report on it. Steve Rosenthal --- from list --- ------------------
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