Date: Mon, 17 Jul 1995 14:49:21 -0700 (PDT) Subject: Re: Calling all South Asian Women Writers.... Hello...thanks for enquiring about creative among South Asian women .... I am a Ph.D student in English at the University of British Columbia. I just finished my comprehensive exam and am going to test the waters regarding a possible thesis area... to involve gender, constructions of the "WEST" nationalism and South Asian women's identites as informed by these. However, to be more specific to your enquiry...I am a student from Bombay (on a student visa) and have been writing poetry...for a few years....I have not published... My e-mail address: keep the above as my preferred address, but if for some reason this address is not compatible with your system for sending info please write to: My mailing address is: Marian Gracias 3888 West 17th Ave Vancouver. B.c Canada V6S 1A4 I would be very interested in reading creative writing by/ conecting with South Asian women writers. I have read a some anthologies....but it would be great keeping in touch with the up and coming/contemporary/published/unpublished writing scene too as well as getting to know more titile to look for in the future. Good luck...keep in touch and tell me what you are studying/working.. Marian. --- from list --- ------------------
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