Date: Thu, 2 Nov 1995 07:21:49 -0700 (MST) Subject: SUBCOMMANDER MARCOS'S INTERVIEW IN "BRECHA"{URUGUAY}10-28 *Part 4 of 4* The original Spanish version can be read at URUGUAYANS IN THE LACANDON JUNGLE Subcommander Marcos refers several times to Uruguay in the course of the long interview. "The best homage to the Tupamaros is that I don't remember the name of the officer who wanted to kill Rau'l Sendic when he came out during the shoot-out screaming 'I am Rufo and I don't surrender'", he recalled. "My generation grew up admiring the structure, the technico-military aspects and the creativity of the Tupas, and, besides, in political terms, the layout of an all inclusive, non-sectarian movement. However Marcos refuses a "mate" (a bitter tasting type of infusion drank in Uruguay, Argentina, Paraguay, and Brazil. n.o.t.), which gives him a pretext to comment: "I always wanted to be an Argentinian or an Uruguayan writer. When I discovered that there was a relationship between literary quality and "mate", I decided to become a guerrillero." Once the laughter stops, he is asked about the origin of his humor: He replies, with humor: "When we joined the orgnization we had to be serious, respectful, boring. Rock was counterrevolutionary, imperialist. Anything that wasn't 'fatherland or death, we shall overcome' ('patria o muerte, venceremos')and protest songs, was bad. If you listened to classical music, they didn't shoot you but you were already under suspicion; and if the books you carried were not Materialism and empirical criticism and were for instance 'Historia de cronopios y de famas'( a book of vignettes by famous Argentinian author Julio Corta'zar, about human urban archetypes) or benedetti's love poems, they stared at you in a strange way." Benedetti's mention (B. is one of Uruguay's leading living authors, t.n) led him to recall his first days of work in the Indigenous communities, "when we taught literacy with Juan Gelman's poems and 'The Open Veins of Latin America' ( Eduardo Galeano's masterful analysis of the plundering of Latin America by the various imperialist powers since 1492) was a grammar text. But Mario Benedetti played a key role for our troups: his love poems were textually transcribed to seduce "compa~eras." By the way, I thought Galeano would be around here." THE GRINGOS' PRESENCE SUBCOMMANDER MARCOS DENOUNCED THE PRESENCE OF U.S. AND GUATEMALAN MILITARY ADVISORS IN CHIAPAS, AND THAT OF ARGENTINIAN MERCENARIES WHO HAD PREVIOUSLY OPERATED IN HONDURAS. "Regarding the U.S. government's interference, we know that at least since June, 1994 they have been sending a group of advisors, rangers or their equivalent, under the denomination of a System of Secret and Covered Operations. The man in charge is a certain Propp, a U.S. Army major. We detected him since June of 94 in San Crist'obal de las Casas, and he reappears again on February 10, 1995 in Guadalupe Tepeyac, together with the unit that takes over that community. We know from the prostitutes that service the army, that they had been taking care of a group of soldiers we asume were from the U.S., because they were tall, blond, blue eyed and they spoke in English. Obviously we did not see their passports. Then we learned that Propp was in San Quinti'n, and that he was already showing off his lieutenant colonel's insignia. He got promoted right here, in Chiapas; they promoted him from major to lieutenant colonel. We know that the U.S. government intercepts our communications and passes them on to the Mexican authorities. At least it was doing so during the talks in San Andre's. It intercepted the communications we had with our delegation and it had them delivered to the governmental delegation. That has also been confirmed. To do that one needs technology the Federal Army lacks. Another bit of information we have is that the U.S. army was functioning as an intermediary in bringing here the Argentinian mercenaries who are present in Chiapas; there are those who claim they are with the paramilitary squadrons, with the "white guards". The Federal Army denies that it has Argentinian advisors. We have the pictures of some of those advisors, from when they were training others in Honduras. We located one of them here, preparing explosives and training people on the use of mortars. In Las Tacitas, in the canion of Las Tazas, there is a military unit that advances on San Francisco, the "ejido" of La'zro Herna'ndez, the PRI deputy (representative), and some observers saw four or five Guatemalan army officers. We never confirmed this. On the other hand we did confirm that the Mexican army received counterinsurgency training from the Guatemalan kaibiles. END (trans.ML.) --- from list --- ------------------
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