Date: Thu, 02 Nov 1995 19:59:55 -0600 (CST) Subject: OR the author of this crap is really as ignorant and offensive Actually, i find your response offensive not the joke/serious request. After listening to Homi Bhabha "blah-blah" :) for an hour on friday at Rice i think that he would not take offense either. although the talk, many including myself thought/felt, was long and difficult and not entirely transparent, I thoroughly appreciated his presence and his blahblahblah about fanon, diane's identification papers, etc. but, it was Homi B. that made the first comment about how long and difficult his talk would be. In a reflexive and humorously made gesture he recommended that everyone was welcome to use the exit if they get saturated with his blahblah. Actually, I thought of asking Hamid (the rice conference organizer) --- hello! Hamid! are you out there?!) to send the two requests to Homi. Certainly he is not the type to get offended! why? WHY? on the contrary he could make excellent use of it as material for his next invited and brand name lecture. His opening at rice was about the president of portugal breaking his arm to congratulate him over H.s talk; what better material now to loosen up the crowd? but, then again, since all of us have already heard the joke.... why get offended? q. --- from list --- ------------------
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