File spoon-archives/postcolonial.archive/postco_1995/postco_Nov2.95, message 32

Date: Wed, 1 Nov 1995 01:43:46 -0500
Subject: Two *really* important requests

Hi Postcolonial list!

A friend of mine here at school just told me about you're group.  It
sounded really cool!  So I was wondering if you could help me with
two really importent things.

The first thing is that Ive got a paper due way soon on this thing
called Postcolonialism, but I don't know ANYTHING about it.  Could
anybody tell me about some good books that will help me?  I mean,
I really don't have time to actually *read* the books, if you know 
what I mean, but maybe I can put them in my bibliography!  :-)  :-).
This list sounded like the right place to ask the question.

The second thing has to do with this guy my teacher says we have to
read.  His name is Homi Bahbah.  I tried to get through a few of his 
articles about TEN times, but it like never really seemed to make ANY
sense *at all*.  UGH.  And then, the stuff in it I *did* get seemed
pretty OBVOIUS, like, that w'ere all made up of lots of different stuff,
or that five centuries of colonialism kind of messed up *everybodys'*
head -- you know what I mean?  And the stuff I did get also seemed
kind of like a oaverbloated version of some tons better stuff I read in
a course last semester that some Caribbean guy named Walcott wrote
twenty years ago!  And, like, that Walcott guy sure was a better writer!

Does anybody out there really have ANY idea what this Bahbah guy is
saying?  Or, like, is he saying *anything*?

My teacher said to me that the fact that I wasn't getting it was *my* 
fault, not Bahbah's.  He also said that because I wasn't really getting
it was a sign of how smart this Bahbah guy really was.  But then when
my teacher tried to explain that Bahbah stuff to me I kinda got the 
feeling that my *teacher* didn't really know what Bahbah was saying
either!  Duh!  

I mean, like, how much does this Bahbah guy get paid?  My teacher
is one of those pretensious grad students who basically thinks he has
the inside track on the whole world, but, like, as far as I can tell he's 
never been more than TEN feet outside the library.  I'm not trying to 
offend anybody outthere or anything, but do you know what Im talking

Well, anyway I've really got to get back to work, and I've probebly gone
on to long.  I've got a Chem test tommorow afternoon, and then I volunteer
in the evening.  I think were finally gonna beat State this weekend, too.

Thanks a bunch for any help anybody out there can give me!  This
email stuff is cool!


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