File spoon-archives/postcolonial.archive/postco_1995/postco_Nov2.95, message 40

Date: Wed, 1 Nov 1995 08:53:19 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Forwarded mail.... (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 31 Oct 1995 11:14:17 -0800 (PST)
From: Marianna Yang <>
Subject: Forwarded mail....

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 1995 13:56:00 -0700 (PDT)
From: YeR fWeNd, NaNcEe JeE yOuNg YaNg <>
To: OxY'S KoReAn MaSs MaiL LiSt -- Elisa Ahn <>,
    Albert Taewon Lee <>,,
    Paul Kim <>,
    Alice Ji-Yong Shin <>,
    Carolyn Suh <>,
    "Grace Y. Choi" <>,
    "Eugene R. Cho" <>,
    Reynold Chung <>,
    Daniel Doh <>,
    Deana Ji-Young Yang <>,
    Eun Joo Do <>, Moshi Lee <>,
    Ji Young Gil <>,
    Hi Jin Choe <>,
    Kyung Suh Hong <>,
    Kyu Sung Hwang <>,
    Jayne Jung <>,
    Alexander Kim <>,
    "Jeanne A. Kim" <>,
    Nicholas Kim <>,
    "Peter T. Kim" <>,
    Chiho Lee <>, Alice Lee <>,
    Christopher Kisoong Lee <>,
    Lisa Ji-Hae Yang <>,
    Monica Young Mi Choi <>,
    Marianna Yang <>,
    Katherine Neun <>,
    Nancy Yang <>,
    Jae Won Paik <>,
    Joseph Pak <>, Judy Park <>,
    Sung Kim <>, Jin Ah Son <>,
    Kyounghee Kim <>,
    Cha-Yun Suk <>,
    So Young Choi <>,
    Brian Wee <>,
    Walter Eun Suk Oh <>,
    Julie Whang <>,
    Young Min Baek <>,
    Sally Yoo <>

Hey Hey awlz.. this was forwarded from MeEh tO YoU fRoM MoNicA, our KoReAn
CLuB PrEz... 

Subject: Immigrants Go Home!!!

Which is basically what the US Congress is saying these days...I went to 
a meeting with the director of financial aid at UCB yesterday along 
with half of apisAA (Asian Pacific Islander Students for Affirmative 
Action) and it was very, very informative.  I know I haven't been keeping 
up too well with current news, which may have been why a lot of what I heard 
was new to me.

Basically there are four bills in the House and Senate right now which 
are really shady, underhanded attacks on LEGAL immigrants, and even 
naturalizaed citizens.  There's an obscure little provision buried within 
the depths of a 1,000 page-long welfare reform bill that says when 
immigrants apply for financial aid, their sponsors have to be "deemed": 
i.e., their sponsors' income is tacked on to the total for their 
parents.  Well, it doesn't take a nuclear scientist to figure out that 
this will disqualify HUGE numbers of immigrants by shooting their incomes 
through the roof. 

And that's just the Senate version-the House version is worse.  Their 
version would also apply to naturalized citizens.  You wouldn't be 
eligible for aid until ten years after you become a citizen.  Since you 
have to be 18 to become a naturalized citizen, that means you wouldn't 
get any aid for college until you were 28 years old.

The rationale behind this provision, which was authored by Dick Day, the 
chief counsel to the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration, is 
that financial aid is basically the same thing as welfare and that it is 
not the responsibility of this country to provide free job training for 

That is about the most fucking hypocritical thing I've ever heard. 
Immigrants work and pay taxes just like all the "real Americans" out 
there.  Yet there are legislators out there who would claim that they're 
giving us charity in the form of financial aid. 

Surprisingly (or not), the group this would affect the most are Asian 
Americans.  This would affect something like 68% of the AA students here 
at Cal.  Unfortunately, very few people know about what's going on and 
time is getting short.  The bills are coming up for a vote probably in 
the next week or so.

The director of financial aid told us that publicity is the most 
important thing right now. Last night we had a brainstorming session in 
the ASUC Exec VP's office to come up with some ways to help get the word 
out. We designed some stickers to pass out at today's rally at noon, and 
we're going to work with apisAA on putting together a fact sheet to hand 
out to students.

Since publicity is the key, it'd be great if you could forward this to 
anybody you know.  If you're interested in getting more info, or helping 
out with this effort, contact the ASUC EVP's office at 510-643-9830 and ask 
for Elaine (or Felicia).

Muchas gracias...


(ThIs EmAIL oRiGiNaTed fRoM BeRkeLeY!!! ThE NUmBeR LisTeD iS a beRkELeY 
nUmBeR So If YeR gOnNa CaWL, ReMeMbEr tHAt!  -NaNcE)

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