Date: Thu, 2 Nov 1995 14:11:25 SAST-2 Subject: Re: Two *really* important requests Dear Kim & Less Ridiculous Individuals Either this was a really good parody (as several people have pointed out), OR the author of this crap is really as ignorant and offensive as she presents herself (or he presents himself -- let's not make any assumptions about this particular individual and his/her problematic position regarding this subject area). If the former, then a very weak "ha ha". If the latter, I am glad I do not know where Kim lives. I may be tempted to do something *I* would regret. If only someone could zap her account at with several thousand volts of nasty electricity. Yours in the struggle for subaltern theorising Angelo PS.: To those who responded to Kim's revolting post, thank you, and keep up the vigilance. For those who laughed ... some of us laughed too, then thought about the implications of laughing at such dangerous trash. Discrimination can always start with a light ha-ha, then there's a sign that says "WHITES ONLY". Why bother? The world's going down the toilet anyway! --- from list --- ------------------
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