File spoon-archives/postcolonial.archive/postcolonial_1996/96-10-09.225, message 115

Date: Fri, 20 Sep 96 16:57:00 PST
Subject: RE: Multiculturalism Debate

It might be possible for you to focus on the alternative to   
multiculturalism for relatively open societies : monoculturalism which   
can very easily transmogrify into the repressive, totalitarian societies   
that we are not short of examples from this century,

 -Joseph G. Davis

Sent:  Thursday, September 19, 1996 10:43
To:  postcolonial
Subject:  Multiculturalism Debate

Hello Postcolonialists:

I have just agreed to debate multiculturalism with/against
"legendary Communist infiltrator and veteran journalist Charles
Wiley" in about 10 days. The debate is being hosted by the SUNy
Freedom Association whose president, Bill Chellis, declares that
"the aim of academic repression." The blurb
announcing our debate describes multiculturalism as a
"totalitarian force....[and] unamiable to true diversity [and]
true freedom."

Not only have I never before debated, I've never even been to a
debate. (I debate with my students, of course, but this will be
different.) I (as I'm sure you) can hear the accusations:
multiculturalists want to throw out the entire Western tradition;
they're putting politics before quality; they will Balkanize
America; they are engaging in victimology, intellectual
affirmative action and will drain culture of its dignity and
moral authority, etc. (if only the questions were all this

I will have little time to prepare for my 1 October debate, so I
ask everyone who has taken the time to read this far for your
suggestions on:

1) What sort of questions to expect, and what answers have you
found to work well or not work well?

2) Anyone know anything about Charles Wiley?

3) Anyone had experience with such debates?

4) Any suggested reading(s) to help me prepare (short I hope)?

5) Any traps to be wary of? ("Don't say...)

6) Any hints about any thing?

The debate will be moderated. SUN  Freedom's motto is: "In
Defense of the Permanent Things," and they tout themselves as
"New  ork's largest non-partisan conservative welfare
organization." They're expecting a full house and campus tv and

Although I feel very confident in that the arguments and goals of
multiculturalism (as I understand them) are unassailable, I feel
that I may be outmaneuvered while in the spotlight and against
someone with much more experience.

Thanks, in advance, for any suggestions.

Kevin Hickey
SUN  Oneonta

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