File spoon-archives/postcolonial.archive/postcolonial_1996/96-10-09.225, message 124

Date: Tue, 24 Sep 1996 09:20:58 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: MELUS


C A L L   F O R   P A P E R S

First International and Eleventh National MELUS Conference

Multi-Ethnic Literatures Across the Americas and the Pacific:
Exchanges, Contestations, and Alliances

The University of Hawai'i at Manoa * April 18-20, 1997
Hosted by the College of Languages, Linguistics, and Literature;
the Center for Pacific Island Studies; the East-West Center;
and the Department of Ethnic Studies

The Society for the Study of the Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United
States (MELUS) will hold its first international conference at the
University of Hawai'i in 1997, in acknowledgement of both Hawaii's
central location between East and West and the increasingly complex
relationship between the Pacific and the Americas. We invite proposals
for papers, panels, etc. (less than 500 words). In addition to papers on
the multi-ethnic literatures of North America, we welcome comparative
perspectives that address  the growing cultural or textual  connections
between America and the  Pacific, as well as comparative  perspectives
on  postcolonial  and  American  ethnic  literatures.

possible topics:

new frontiers?
american ethnic literatures * immigrant literatures * border identities *
critical regionalism * new directions in feminism * what about europe? *

emerging literatures & languages
pacific island literatures * literatures of hawai'i * creole languages
cultures * protest & resistance literatures * why standard english? *
theorizing asian/pacific literature * cultural nationalism * the
languages of dance * non-u.s. ethnic literatures

narrating north america & the pacific
oral literatures & popular traditions * film & theater * representations
of indigenous culture * colonialism, neo-colonialism, post-colonialism *
transnationalism & cultural production * representations of hong kong
1997 * tourism & homo ludens * sovereignty & first nation movements * the
black atlantic and the asian pacific

reconfiguring american literary & cultural studies
african american literature * asian american literature * chicano/a
literature * euro-american literature * native american literature * the
critique of nation & nationalism * cnn, www, & capitalist world culture *
cultural transmigrations & transformations

The conference will advertise internationally. Special sessions scheduled
for K-12 teachers. Reduced registration rates for high school teachers,
students, and international scholars. Presenters should be members of

For conference information, contact 1997 MELUS Conference Chair,
University of Hawai'i, Manoa Department of English, Honolulu HI 96822;
fax (808) 956-3083; e-mail:

For MELUS membership information, contact Dr. Arlene Elder, English
Dept., University of Cincinnatti, Cincinnatti, OH 45221 (513)


Forwarded by:

   FRED W. RIGGS, Professor Emeritus
   Political Science Department, University of Hawaii
   2424 Maile Way, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822, U.S.A.
   Phone:  (808) 956-8123     Fax: (808) 956-6877

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