Date: Wed, 2 Oct 1996 09:18:16 -0400 (EDT) Subject: Re: My right of reply; was: Indonesia, postcolonial theorizing It seems rather pointless to reply to Azfar Hussain's response to Talib Ismail since as Ismail rightly points out, there is a kind of trivial oneupsmanship in Hussain's tone. I would, however, like to point out that Ben Anderson is a specialist in SE Asian politics and does not work in the field of literary studies although he has written on literature. Anderson does not consider himself as "a postcolonial theorist". He is, however,widely acknowledged by many who work seriously on Indonesia to be a leading contemporary Indonesianist. Anderson is also an important intellectual figure in Indonesian political history and has been banned from Indonesia for the past 20 or so years but remains actively involved in political journalism on Indonesia. It is inconceivable to write on Indonesia without referring to Anderson's work in this area although this work is, of course, not known to people in postcolonial studies who only recognise Anderson as the author of _Imagined Communities_. Needless to say, Azfar Hussain's comment would also not be read by most people in area studies who work on Indonesia nor indeed, would it be taken seriously by them if it were read. --- from list ---
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