File spoon-archives/postcolonial.archive/postcolonial_1996/96-10-09.225, message 141

Date: Sun, 06 Oct 1996 00:46:03 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: Multiculturalism Debate

Kevin: do you mind sharing withus your experience of your first deabte - 
on multiculuturalism? Amrit Singh

On Thu, 19 Sep 1996, Kevin Hickey wrote:

> Hello Postcolonialists:
> I have just agreed to debate multiculturalism with/against
> "legendary Communist infiltrator and veteran journalist Charles
> Wiley" in about 10 days. The debate is being hosted by the SUNy
> Freedom Association whose president, Bill Chellis, declares that
> "the aim of academic repression." The blurb
> announcing our debate describes multiculturalism as a
> "totalitarian force....[and] unamiable to true diversity [and]
> true freedom."
> Not only have I never before debated, I've never even been to a
> debate. (I debate with my students, of course, but this will be
> different.) I (as I'm sure you) can hear the accusations:
> multiculturalists want to throw out the entire Western tradition;
> they're putting politics before quality; they will Balkanize
> America; they are engaging in victimology, intellectual
> affirmative action and will drain culture of its dignity and
> moral authority, etc. (if only the questions were all this
> easy!).
> I will have little time to prepare for my 1 October debate, so I
> ask everyone who has taken the time to read this far for your
> suggestions on:
> 1) What sort of questions to expect, and what answers have you
> found to work well or not work well?
> 2) Anyone know anything about Charles Wiley?
> 3) Anyone had experience with such debates?
> 4) Any suggested reading(s) to help me prepare (short I hope)?
> 5) Any traps to be wary of? ("Don't say...)
> 6) Any hints about any thing?
> The debate will be moderated. SUN Freedom's motto is: "In
> Defense of the Permanent Things," and they tout themselves as
> "New ork's largest non-partisan conservative welfare
> organization." They're expecting a full house and campus tv and
> radio.
> Although I feel very confident in that the arguments and goals of
> multiculturalism (as I understand them) are unassailable, I feel
> that I may be outmaneuvered while in the spotlight and against
> someone with much more experience.
> Thanks, in advance, for any suggestions.
> Kevin Hickey
> SUN Oneonta
> T:607/432-5317
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