File spoon-archives/postcolonial.archive/postcolonial_1996/96-10-09.225, message 147

Subject: Re: Helene Cixous
Date: Mon, 7 Oct 1996 09:03:16 -0400 (EDT)

>        Helene Cixous was invited to Madison campus (and paid  $10.000) 
for her
>about 1 h. of speak and what was supposed to be a seminar on her work (1
>+1/2).  Here is what  I found interesting.  I liked to share it with you:
>Once asked if she was back to Alegeria at all? she replied: "No and I will
>not until women are under such an oppression.  "But" I went to Tunisia,
>right next door."  many people asked themselves: well, you mean women are
>treated better in Tunisia?  What about the W2 right here. etc... etc...
>The day after in her seminar, once asked about her writing in the 70's, she
>"I never belived that such thing as "feminine writing" exists.  I have been
>What do you think?
>Az Khak Bar'amadim-o- Bar Khak Shodym

Surely, if Cixous expounds this belief then she is negating most of her work - I 
have read Cixous purely because she believs in the feminine voice.  Maybe 
what you have written has been taken out of context - or maybe I have 
misunderstood - whatever, the reason, I will need to review my reading of 

I would love to know more about thhe seminar though.

Rachel in London
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Rachel Hampton
Department of War Studies
Kings College 

Telephone: 44 171 873 2200
Fax: 44 171 873 2026

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