Subject: Re: Maldivian Lit. ? Date: Mon, 7 Oct 96 11:00:52 EDT Hugo writes: > > I wonder does anyone know of Maldivian literature - heritage, current state > and reaction to post-colonial life. > > Also I am embarking on a study of Leopold Senghor. Does anyone have any > references to suggest, or any opinion of his importance to post-colonial > African writing? > > Thanks in advance > > Hugo 4> Regarding one of the founders of the Negritude movement ( (his name is closely associated with Aime Cesaire, Rene Menil and writers from Martinique,) Senghor is one of the founding voices of anti-colonial consciousness.... there are of course differences between the Negritude thought and Post-colonial thought but Senghor's texts (poetry and essays) as much as Cesaire's texts should be considered in the context of these questions. > Alvina Ruprecht...Carleton U. Ottawa, Canada --- from list --- > --- from list ---
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