File spoon-archives/postcolonial.archive/postcolonial_1996/96-10-09.225, message 167

Subject: Re: Helene Cixous
Date: Tue, 8 Oct 1996 20:04:47 -0000


The conference at the ICA was lively, interesting and well worth the long
wait in line to get in. Made some notes which i have here, somewhere, and
when i find them will see if there is anything worth posting on. The notes
are in the pile gathered from Sussex, of that i am fairly sure...

Also have a video, again, here, somewhere, which featured Helene discussing
Human Rights issues during an Amnesty International week that BBC2 put on.
Should i find it in the next few days, will make another posting. Not sure,
but suspect that she has appeared on other tv progs. May be worth your
while to contact the stations to see whether they will let you either view,
borrow or even purchase them?  

As you might gather from the above, am rather 'scatter-brained' and should
my video re-emerge from it's hiding place, will be all too please to pass
it on to you. Trouble is i never took the time to label them properly and
it could be sandwiched inbetween a whole crop of shows and or films, and so

Meantime, will in the next week, be speaking to friend at Swansea
University who has contact with the French intellectual scene, and will ask
about Helene's speaking here again in the UK


In Hertfordshire, about to renew membership of the ICA!

> From: Rachel Hampton <>
> To: postcolonial-AT-jefferson.village.Virginia.EDU
> Subject: Re: Helene Cixous
> Date: 08 October 1996 13:31
> Michael,
> Any ideas when there might be a similar conference in UK?  
> How was the conf at the ICA?  Is the  topic that you are interested - it
was one 
> that I am hoping to research next year.
> Thanks,
> Rachel in London

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