Subject: Re: Helene Cixous Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 09:14:48 -0400 (EDT) Michael, Thanks so much for finding out for me. I am going to the French Institute this week so I will see if they have any new info and I will let you know. >Rachel, > >The conference at the ICA was lively, interesting and well worth the long >wait in line to get in. Made some notes which i have here, somewhere, and >when i find them will see if there is anything worth posting on. The notes >are in the pile gathered from Sussex, of that i am fairly sure... > >Also have a video, again, here, somewhere, which featured Helene discussing >Human Rights issues during an Amnesty International week that BBC2 put on. >Should i find it in the next few days, will make another posting. Not sure, >but suspect that she has appeared on other tv progs. May be worth your >while to contact the stations to see whether they will let you either view, >borrow or even purchase them? > >As you might gather from the above, am rather 'scatter-brained' and should >my video re-emerge from it's hiding place, will be all too please to pass >it on to you. Trouble is i never took the time to label them properly and >it could be sandwiched inbetween a whole crop of shows and or films, and so >on... > >Meantime, will in the next week, be speaking to friend at Swansea >University who has contact with the French intellectual scene, and will ask >about Helene's speaking here again in the UK > >Regards, > >Michael >In Hertfordshire, about to renew membership of the ICA! > >---------- >> --- from list ---
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