File spoon-archives/postcolonial.archive/postcolonial_1996/96-10-09.225, message 183

Subject: The Mediterranean Reconsidered
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 96 10:03:12 EDT

Hi, I thought this might be of interest to some people on the group:


         T H E   M E D E T E R R A N E A N    R E C O N S I D E R E D /
            L A   M E D I T E R R A N E E    R E C O N S I D E R E E

                         An Interdisciplinary Conference
                              October 16 to 19, 1996

                                Carleton University
                              Dunton Tower, Room 2017
                                  Ottawa, Ontario                 

			Canadian Museum of Civilization
                        100 Laurier Street, Hull, Quebec

 The past decade has been a time of change for the countries of the
 Mediterranean basin.  Europe is no longer the same after the reunification
 of Germany, the collapse of the Soviet Union and the growing strength of
 the European Community.  North Africa is witnessing increasing political
 tension with the rise of religious fundamentalisms.  In the Middle East
 relations between Palestinians and Israelis seem to seesaw between
 declarations of peace and acts of terrorist or state violence.

 This conference will seek, among other things, to update our understanding
 of the Mediterranean as a cultural entity, and, in so doing, to establish
 the grounds for the dialogue that can take place between the many
 different regions of the area.



 6:00 - 10:00 pm         Registration
                         Canadian Museum of Civilization: Friend's Lounge


 9:00 - 9h15 am Welcome: Roger BLOCKLEY (Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies
                         Carleton University)
                         Welcome:  H.E. Andrea NEGROTTO CAMBIASO
                         (Ambassador of Italy)

 9:15 - 12:15           SESSION I:  Questions of Representation (1)
                        Carleton University, Dunton Tower, Room 2017
                        Session Chair:  David ANIDO (Canadian Institute
                        for Mediterranean Studies)                  

Artemis LEONTIS (Ohio State University): "Mediterranean Topographies
                        Before Balkanization"

 William BOELHOWER (University of Trieste):  "Where is Here? The
                        Immigrant-Migrant as Mediterranean Topologist"

 Mauro PERESSINI (Canadian Museum of Civilization):  "Tel Narcisse
                        penche sur la mer.  Les Etats-Unis et la
                        Mediterranee a travers le National Geographic"

 Vito TETI (University of Calabria):  "L'invenzione della dieta mediterranea"

 2:00 - 5:00 pm         SESSION II:  Questions of Representation (2)
                        Carleton University, Dunton Tower, Room 2017
                        Session Chair:  Vincent DELLA SALA (Carleton

 Reda BENSAMAIA (Brown University) : "Media-terranee:  a propos d'Un
                        passager de l'Occident de Nabile Fares"           

Armando GNISCI (Universite de Rome): "Deux ou trois choses que je sais
                        de ma mer"

 Jean-Yves DURAND (Laboratoire d'Ethnologie Mediterranee et
                        Comparative, Aix-en-Provence):  "La Mediterranee,
                        le debat international et l'ethnologie
                        francaise.  A native's point of view".

 Francesco LORIGGIO (Carleton University):  "Cognitive Mappings:  The
                        Mediterranean as a Problem in Literature and the
                        Social Sciences"

 8:00 - 9:00 pm         Canadian Museum of Civilization:  Theatre
                        Welcome:  H.E. Jean-Alexander THOMOGLOU
                        (Ambassador of Greece)

                        Keynote Address:  Michael HERZFELD (Harvard
                        University): "Taking Stereotypes Seriously:        
			`Mediterraneanism' Reconsidered"


 9:00 - 9:15 am         SESSION III:  Emergencies (1)
                        Carleton University, Dunton Tower, Room 2017
                        Welcome:  H.E. Tajeddine BADDOU (Ambassador of
                        Session Chair:  Aida KAOUK (Canadian Museum of

 Michel ORIOL (Universite de Nice-Sophia Antipolis): "Monde
                        mediterraneen et violence.  Les cultures
                        populaires au defi des crises identitaires"

 Ratiba HADJ-MOUSSA (Queen's University):  "La revanche des oublies ou
                        la television reconsideree"

 Hayat ZIRARI (Faculte des Lettres et Sciences Humaines Ben-M'Sik    
			Casablanca):  "Statuts de meres mediterraneennes.
                        Similitude et differenciation"

 11:30 - 12:15  Keynote Address:  Mariella PANDOLFI (Universite de
                        Montreal)  "De la terre du remords a la terre de la
                        resistance.  Rhetorique feminine et strategies
                        narratives dans la Mediterranee."

 2:00 - 4:15 pm:        Emergencies (2)
                        Carleton University, Dunton Tower, Room 2017
                        Session Chair:  Pierre BEAUDET (Alternatives)

 Bruno RAMIREZ (Universite de Montreal):  "The Promised Land:  Italy in
                        the New Circuits of Mediterranean Migration, 1980
                        - 1995"

 Joseph KHOURY  (Carleton University):  "The Distinction of a Lebanese
                        Identity?  The Case of Elias Khoury"    

Marie-Blanche TAHON  (Universite d'Ottawa):  "Algerie, la repetition?  A
                        partir de la production romanesque publiee en

 4:25 - 5:10 pm Keynote Address:  Abdelmalek SAYAD  (Centre de
                        Sociologie de l'Education et de la Culture):
                        "L'exception kabyle dans le paysage actuel de

 8:00 - 9:00 pm         Canadian Museum of Civilization:  Theatre
                        Welcome:  H.E. Alfred SIEFER-GAILLARDIN
                        (Ambassador of France)

                        Keynote Address:  Maurice AYMARD  (Maison des
                        Sciences de l'Homme):  "Actualite de la Mediterranee.
			Eclatements et recompositions."    

9:00 - 10:00 pm        Reception at the Friend's Lounge of the Canadian
                        Museum of Civilization


 9:30 - 11:00 am        SESSION V:  After Unity and Diversity (1)
                        Carleton University, Dunton Tower, Room 2017
                        Session Chair:  Malika MOUSSAOUI  (Canadian
                        International Development Agency)

 Mikhael ELBAZ (Universite Laval):  "Judeites de la Mediterranee.  Errances
                        et parcours"

 Mohamed MAHMOUD  (Alternatives):  "Identite individuelle et identite
                        collective.  D'une Mediterranee a une autre"

 11:10 - 11:55 am       Keynote address:  Naim KATTAN (Universite du    
		 	Quebec a Montreal):  "The Middle-East and the West in
                        Twentieth Century Literature:  Comparative

 2:00 - 3:00 pm SESSION VI  :  After Unity and Diversity (2)
                        Carleton University, Dunton Tower, Room 2017
                        Session Chair:  Barbara GABRIEL (Carleton University)

 Anastase-Jean METAXAS  (University of Athens):  "Sous-identites et sur-
                        identites dans les pays mediterraneens"

 Kosta GOULIAMOS (University of Athens):  "Enigma:  The Mediterranean
                        Within the Information Society"

 3:40 - 4:25 pm Keynote address:  Vincent CRAPANZANO (City
                        University of New York):  "Reflections on the

Organized by:          The Research Unit on Southern European Literature and
                        Culture and the Canadian Museum of Civilization, in
                        collaboration with the Canadian Institute for
                        Mediterranean Studies.

 For further information please contact:

 Kim Elliott
 Tel: (613) 230-7714
 e-mail:, or

 Francesco Loriggio
 Tel:  (613) 520-2600, ext. 8035

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