File spoon-archives/postcolonial.archive/postcolonial_1996/96-10-09.225, message 184

Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 10:05:52 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: dalits and indian literature

heeyyy everybody!

i am now delurked. and in need of help. i am a grad sudent at the
university of southern california. when i'm not cavorting at the beach or
hanging out at the viper room, i work on my dissertation project on the
representation of dalits and other subAltern castes/classes in indian
literature of the independence movement. when i say i work on this
project, i mean you understand that i think about it vaguely while
watching t.v.

but i make too many excuses, i should get to the point.

i need help in generating a substantive reading list.i already have a
fairly (bad word) large number of secondary texts - mostly pillaged
>from gail omvedt and the subaltern studies collections' bibliographies;
what i really need are texts of literary criticism around these issues.
they don't really need to address subaltern/dalit issues - anything that
undertakes a political reading of indian literature is fine.

any help will be appreciated. response number 19 will win a surprise prize


arnab chakladar

i am a bear of very little brain
and long words bother me
	- winnie the pooh

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