File spoon-archives/postcolonial.archive/postcolonial_1996/96-10-09.225, message 21

Subject: Response to Styles post
Date: Thu, 29 Aug 96 14:04:00 EST

Just want to respond to Ms Styles somewhat parochial post on John Howard, 
Bradman and Australian nationhood,  then I think the subject should be 
dropped in favour of more productive discussion. First, Ms Styles opinion of 
our Prime Minister is her own and is not shared by the majority of 
Australians who voted for Howard in an aoverwhelming landslide. Second, I 
really don't think Australian cricket is a vital component of postcolonial 
discussion and the PM's comment on Bradman, a famous cricketer, being the 
most important male athlete in 200 years of Australian nationhood is 
presumably his own opinion and he's entitled to it. The trouble with the 
Womens Studies mob at the  ANU is that they haven't studied Pol Sci or even 
po-co and certainly don't have a sense of humour.  Tina  Faulk Asian History 
Centre, ANU)

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