File spoon-archives/postcolonial.archive/postcolonial_1996/96-10-09.225, message 36

Date: Fri, 30 Aug 1996 19:22:56 +22304808 (WAST)
Subject: Re: Response to Styles post Andrew's "Faulkian" quote

Hi Andrew,
Thanks for yours, and in response:

On Fri, 30 Aug 1996, andrew cooke wrote:

> 	maybe we were both just feeling a bit ratty?  in my net
> 	experience a response like tina's isn't because she's unaware
> 	of the above (can anyone who's got as far as subscribing to a
> 	list-server on postcolonialism not have heard "all that" before?), 
> 	but because she's carrying across some earlier argument or
> 	venting frustration from dealing with someone else on a
> 	similar theme.

Indeed, Friday afternoons can get a bit ratty, but one of a few things that
bothered me about Tina's posts on Howard/cricket were that in spite of
list-subscribers supposedly having heard "all that" before, it did not
seem to automatically follow in this case that one then identifies with and/or
puts into practice those "knowledges".  People subscribe to lists for all
sorts of reasons, and obviously not out any sense of collectivity with
self-reflexive, deconstructive and yes, dare I say, left wing politics.

> 	anyway, it's not for me to double guess someone else.  i just
> 	wanted to point out that email is - for many - akin to 
> 	conversation in the street rather than debating in a society.
> 	i like it, but it means people say daft things sometimes.  you
> 	know - life and all that...
> 	andrew

On the contrary, email is very different to speaking on the street.  For
starters, there are questions of access.  Second, the corporeal absence.
Hegemony (in the Gramscian sense of consent, negotiation), then, is
played out with distinctly different variables. One of the positive
thiings I see the net providing, is the very possibility of debate on
matters in society whereby the spectre of the "majority" becomes, however
momentarily, a singularity of sorts.

Have a nice weekend


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