Date: Fri, 30 Aug 1996 09:44:14 -0700 Subject: Re: cricket postcolonialism and Tina Faulk curiouser and curiouser. i dont wantto take a position either way. But it amazes me to think that Tina Faulk could write off cicket and postcolonialism after all that hype on the Australaian media about the visi to Sri Lanka. I haven't been to Sri Lanka for a abot a year now and have other things to talk about it when I do communicate with Sri Lankans over there. But i was over in Melbourne recently visiting some SriLankans, and my, cricket between Australians and Sri Lankans was a hot topic. What about all those tongue in cheek bomb threats , whether they were real or not. I also met with Sri Lankans who were busy trying to be loyal to Australia, who thought of white Australia as a boon to everybody. This I think is particuarly true of Sri Lankans and other South Asian immigrants to Australia, coming from largely middle class backgrounds and adjusting to the demands of a still prevalent but perhpas hidden white Australia policy. I found the immigrant communities in London and Canada somewhat different in attitude. Of course these are generalisations; but generalisations help sometimes to think through ideas and . . . sumathy --- from list ---
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