Date: Fri, 30 Aug 1996 11:50:42 -0500 (CDT) I have been reading various posts on cricket, "po-co" theory etc etc etc over the last little while - and I don't want to jump in, believe me, but it just strikes me as odd (and sad) that people so well established in their respective disciplines can get so personal in their responses on email. i wonder if the arguments would have had this open edge if we had all been together in a room, face-to-face. did we all agree sometime, somewhere, that we were not going to be open to/tolerant of opposing points of view? or to attack angrily because something someone has said does not *appear* to make complete sense? there are teachers and students on this list, and we are not always at exactly the same (advanced or not) stages of thinking. a little more civility, perhaps? --- from list ---
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