File spoon-archives/postcolonial.archive/postcolonial_1996/96-10-09.225, message 40

Date: Fri, 30 Aug 1996 08:06:19 -0500
Subject: Food for thought: (Fwd) Letter from KOOP Trustee to other

>Date: Fri, 30 Aug 96 08:24:03 -0500
>From: Esty Dinur <>
>Subject: Food for thought: (Fwd) Letter from KOOP Trustee to other
>To: Multiple recipients of list <>
>X-Listprocessor-Version: 6.0c -- ListProcessor by Anastasios Kotsikonas
>X-Comment: WORT 89.9 FM Madison, WI Community Radio Discussion List
>>Comments: Authenticated sender is <>
>>From: "Lyn Gerry" <>
>>To: Esty Dinur <>,
>> (Margo Robb),,
>>Date: Thu, 29 Aug 1996 21:25:18 +0000
>>Subject: (Fwd) Letter from KOOP Trustee to other affiliates
>>Return-receipt-to: "Lyn Gerry" <>
>>Priority: normal
>>Dear Grassroots Radio Coalition Members and other supporters of
>>free community radio----please pass this on everywhere, to everybody
>>you can--all lists, newsgroups, stations, conferences, friends at 
>>other stations.
>>Lyn Gerry
>>------- Forwarded Message Follows -------
>>Date:          Thu, 29 Aug 1996 23:58:19 -0500
>>To:  ,,,,
>>     ,
>>From: (Comrade)
>>Greetings from KOOP radio, Austin Texas. I am a Trustee for KOOP radio. My
>>name is C. Paul Odekirk. I am writting because KOOP is concerned with the
>>labor dispute happening with Pacifica Radio and Local 404 of the United
>>Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America. I hope you all are
>>informed with the struggle. If not I can send you more information. 
>>Although KOOP has decided not to take a stand on this issue, the programmers
>>at KOOP have voted to instate an informational disclaimer at the beginning
>>and end of Pacifica News everyday and several of our  programmers have taken
>>up the struggle on individual shows. There were two stories on "Breaking the
>>Silence", one on "Talking Union" and two on "Working Stiff Radio". The
>>programmers have decided to run the informational disclaimer and then take
>>stronger action if there was any further attacks on the staff and volunteers
>>at Pacifica stations.
>>Here is the disclaimer that was voted in:
>>We at KOOP radio in keeping with our commitment to free speech and
>>information would like to inform our listeners that Local 404 of the United
>>Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America is currently involved in a
>>labor contract dispute with Pacifica Radio. For more information listeners
>>can contact: 
>>Pat Scott, Executive director of Pacifica, at:
>>1929 Martin Luther King Way
>>     Berkeley, CA 94704
>>     (510) 428-9196
>>And the United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America (UE) , at:
>>Hotline (212)465-7562
>>E-mail, "Lyn Gerry" <>
>>Or listeners may contact KOOP radio at 472-1369
>>Are there any other Pacifica stations and affiliates doing anything on this
>>issue? I'd like to know how programmers at other stations feel about this.
>>We have a list-serve for programmers at If anyone
>>is interested in posting information regarding this issue. Our homepage can
>>be found at
>>Thanks for you time.
>>C. Paul Odekirk
>>Board of Trustees
>>KOOP radio 91.7fm
>>Austin Texas
>Esty Dinur                   

     --- from list ---


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